Mid-Willamette Valley Area
The Mid-Willamette Valley has two holiday giving programs you can participate in. Our Holiday Wish program with a list of desired gifts online through Amazon and our Adopt A Family Program. Through our annual Holiday Wish program, we ask your organization, employees, and customers to help make this a joyous time for the children and families utilizing our services. Download this flyer to share with your friends, family, and co-workers and become a part of a collective effort to make this holiday season truly special for every child and family who seeks out care at Trillium.
Giving Tree Wish Tag
If you would prefer to hang individual wishes on a tree, we can accommodate that. Fill out the online form below to let us know the number of Wish Tags you would like to put out, then hang the tags on a tree, wall, counter, or whatever works for you. Customers/employees take the tags and purchase the item on the tag and return it to your location.
To participate please fill out the short online form below.
Adopt A Family
Each year there are always some families we serve who due to a variety of difficult circumstances may not be able to provide the many things that go into making a holiday bright for their children. What should be a joyous time of year can be extremely hard for them. These families are nominated into our Adopt A Family program by their therapists. Often people wonder what kind of financial commitment this is, it really is up to you. The families vary in size from one only child to a family of six. The number of gifts you choose to buy for that child or children is up to you. Once you adopt a family you will be given a form on that family that gives you some ideas to choose from.
To participate please fill out the short online form below.
Contact Gloria Bible, Volunteer Supervisor with any questions at gbible@trilliumfamily.org