Contact Us
What’s On Your Mind?
Let us know how we can assist, and we will route your question to the correct person in our organization for a response.
To submit feedback or a grievance to our Compliance Officer and Grievance Committee please use this form or contact our Compliance Officer directly.
Sandy Boyle, Senior VP of Clinical Infrastructure, Compliance Officer
Contact: (503) 813-7715
Thanks for visiting Trillium’s site!
To Confidentially Report a Concern About Fraud or Ethics:
Toll-Free Telephone:
English speaking USA and Canada: (844) 240-0006
Spanish speaking USA and Canada: (800) 216-1288
E-mail: (must include company name with report)
3415 SE Powell Blvd.
Portland, OR 97202
(888) 295-6996
Family Partner
What is a Family Partner? The Family Partner is a peer with shared lived experience who works with families raising a child with emotional, behavioral, mental health, developmental or other health challenges. The Family Partner’s role is to support the family, help them to make informed decisions so they can actively participate on their team and/or treatment.
Trillium Family Services’ Family Partner contact information:
Beth Edens
Family Partnership Coordinator
(503) 813-7782