Let us know how we can help, and we will route your question to the correct person in our organization.
What is a Family Partner? The Family Partner is a peer with shared lived experience who works with families raising a child with emotional, behavioral, mental health, developmental, or other health challenges. The Family Partner’s role is to support the family and help them to make informed decisions so they can actively participate in their team and/or treatment.
Trillium Family Services’ Family Partner
contact information:
Beth Edens, Family Partnership Coordinator
(503) 813-7782
To submit feedback or a grievance:
Please contact our Compliance Officer and Grievance Committee with this form or contact our Compliance Officer, Sandy Boyle, directly at (503) 813-7715 or by Email at sboyle@trilliumfamily.org

To report a concern
about fraud or ethics:
English: (844) 240-0006
Spanish: (800) 216-1288
For Subacute, PRTS, Day Treatment referral, provide via fax:
- Psychiatric and or clinical assessment
- The last three notes from the psychiatrist or PMHNP
- Current diagnosis, medications, and health insurance
- Recent treatment history
- Agency involvement such as EASA, DHS, etc.
- Psychological assessment (if available)
- Clinical documentation from current mental health provider
- Current living situation
- Contact information for the guardian
- Fax: (503)205-0190
For a Skills Training
referral, provide via fax:
- The current treatment plan from
an outside provider - Diagnosis and treatment goals
- Contact information for the guardian
- Current living situation
- The youth's current functioning and reason for referral
- Health insurance information
- Safety Plan
- What skills training is being requested
- Fax: (503)205-0190
For an Outpatient referral:
For a Portland Metro referral, contact Virginia Wallace, Metro Outpatient Coordinator:
Email: vwallace@trilliumfamily.org | Fax: (503)813-7781
For a Mid-Willamette Valley Outpatient referral, please fax: (503)205-0190
For an Equine Program referral, provide via fax:
- The current treatment plan from
an outside provider - Current diagnosis
- Contact information for the guardian
- Health insurance information
- Fax: (503)205-0190
For an Outpatient Therapy referral, provide via fax:
- Information about the youth's
current functioning - Contact information for guardian
- Current living situation
- Health insurance information
- Fax: (503)205-0190